My Art displays Indigenous Teachings
of the Grandmothers
Calendar of Events & Exhibitions 2020
February 7 to March 4, 2020
Lourdes Coffee and Artist Gallery on Davenport Road, Toronto
February 25, 2020
Madona CSS School Visual Art Department – Presentation and Conversation on Indigenous Art using Diane’s Art
February 26 – March 15, 2020
Celebrating International Women’s Day at Leslie Grove Gallery in Toronto.
A Juried Show of over 100 entries, where one of Diane’s painting was chosen amongst 30 other female artists at this wonderful exhibition
March 12, 2020
Loretto College Toronto Invited as the guest speaker – Indigenous Woman of Influence Celebrating International Women’s Day. We celebrated the power of women from many different walks of life who are great mentors to the young women at the college, inspiring them to be all they could be. The presentation was made to 400 young women and their teachers in the auditorium.
April 20th to May 10th
Mothers Day 2020 Art Exhibition Participated in this exhibition for Mother’s Day. One of my paintings was selected for this.
Due to COVID-19 the public viewed our paintings online at the Leslie Grove Gallery
June 2020
Painting, Healing Herbs was featured on the teaching aide forum booklet cover page of the Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice – A dialogue guide on Justice and Right Relationships advocating Listening to Indigenous voices
July 2020
Received a Grant from Imagine Native in collaboration with Create to Learn to create 4 videos on – 1. Land relationship with water & stones 2. Stone paintings 3. How to display stone paintings 4. Painting on canvas.
July 2020
Received a Grant from the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective of Toronto for the Community Cares Emergency Response Fund.
August 2020
Exhibited at a juried show called “Where do we Land”. The painting The Wisdom Canoe was selected
September 2020
Drawing won the second place at the “Bawaajigewin Aboriginal Community Circle” for the Orange shirt Logos in regard of the residential school.
September 2020
Panelist on the online event hosted by Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario (CPAMO). Discussionsoffered a space for networking with artists and organizations, asking the same questions about IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Colour) visibility, inclusion and their intersections with artistic/organizational practices while speaking to many perspectives in the arts and the changing demographics of audiences and participation within the Arts sector.
September- October 2020
Exhibited at a juried exhibition called “Root’s and Belonging”. The painting, Beautiful Grandmothers, was selected.
October 2020
Guest presenter during the event “Pathway to Awareness & Understanding” at the St-Paul circle of Indigenous friends & advocates. Demonstrated virtually on making “The Talking Stick”