I am an Urban Metis
Acrylic Painting: Size 9.5″W x 32.75″H skateboard
Print available on Giclee archive paper: Size: 10.5″W x 34″H $195.00
All paintings and prints include a Certificate of Authenticity
the story behind the art
Metis people helped to shape the Canada of today, mainly in terms of the expansion economically and Nation culturally. Most of the fur traders were French and Catholic and exposed to both Catholic and First belief systems. Due to their close ties with the fur trade, most Metis were spread along the Canadian fur trade routes. Over many years in the Eastern area, they were coping with starvation and deportation. Some have moved west in the 1700 and 1800 for survival. Many French-Canadian fur traders found Native wives and had children that are recognized as Metis today. Currently, as a Metis woman living in an urban setting, it brings its own challenges with whom to connect/share and keep your tradition alive. As an Urban Metis, you must cherish your own inner self (about who you are), you must cherish your Indigenous heritage which is loved.
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